Isaac Olguín

München · Germany ·

I am a master's student, software developer, consultant, and interested in Natural Language Processing, Security and Privacy.

I worked in the banking sector for more than 5 years and then decided to leave my family, my comfort zone, and life in Mexico to do my masters in Germany, where I'm currently living. As a SW engineer, I have a holistic perspective of what has to be done in the whole process of a project's development.

My area of interest relies on NLP and Security, and how both can be merged into applications with social impact.



Siemens Advanta Consulting

Cybersecurity & Data Analytics

April 2022 - Present

Systems analyst

Bank of Mexico · Directorate General of Payment Systems and Market Infrastructures

Development of the applications that were responsibility of the Foreign Currency Systems Development Office

December 2015 - October 2020


Bank of Mexico · Directorate General of Payment Systems and Market Infrastructures

June 2015 - December 2015


Technische Universität München - Germany

Ms. Sc. Informatics

Specializations: Security and Privacy & Machine Learning and Analytics (Natural Language Processing)

Thesis: Prior Case Retrieval on the European Court of Human Rights’ Cases Guided by Legal Reasoning Generation

Paper: Automated Trauma Detection in Genocide Court Transcripts
Miriam Schirmer, Isaac M. Olguín N., Edoardo Mosca, Shanshan Xu, and Jürgen Pfeffer in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ICAIL 2023 (IDP - Computational Social Science, School of Governance TUM)

October 2020 - Present

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain

Bachelor Computer Science

Exchange Program

September 2014 - February 2015

Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Mexico

Bachelor Computer Science

Thesis: The Quantum Computing and its impact on the Digital Signature Schemes

August 2011 - December 2015


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Cross Browser Developing, Testing & Debugging
  • Risk analysis
  • Cybersecurity


Apart from being a web developer and cybersecurity consultant, I enjoy most of my time cooking, playing volleyball, hiking on the german/austrian Alps, dancing, travelling, or watching all kind of movies.

Even though, I haven't taken any photography course. I love capturing moments of landscapes.


  • Cybersecurity · Siemens
  • Defense against Adversarial Attacks (NLP, DL) [Repository]
  • GeneCruncher (Backend, NodeJS) [Repository]
  • Search Engine for the US Board of Veteran's Appeals Decisions (NLP, Legal-domain, ML) [Repository]
  • Automated Trauma Detection in Genocide Court Transcripts (NLP, medicine & health) Miriam Schirmer, Isaac M. Olguín N., Edoardo Mosca, Shanshan Xu, and Jürgen Pfeffer in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ICAIL 2023
  • SupervSegmentizer (NLP, Supervised Learning, Pre-processing texts, MERN web app) [In progress... Repository]
  • (In)Security Online Voting Systems (Homomorphic encryption) [Paper]
  • Payment Systems Development · Bank of Mexico (Banking-sector, real-time systems, web-development, standalone apps)